Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome to my life, COOL EVERYDAY. That's me.

I'm new to this, so I'll start by just saying anything....

Cool Everyday. That's my life motto. I'm myself, YES. I hate being other people or trying.

I'm a joyful, smart and happy-go-lucky girl. I love my life so much. 

But that one thing that annoys me is people, or should I say friends that talks (bad) about me behind my back. I HATE THAT!!!! Hypocrites, that's what you call them. 

If you think your perfect, well guess what...you thought wrong!!

You ain't. Nobody is. Think twice before talking behind my back, people.

That's it for now. I'll update if I find time. This is a cute teddy to keep you happy.

BYE!! =)

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